Icelandic Met Office – Daily forecasting of Sulphur dioxide (SO2) spread and concentration

The Icelandic Met Office measures SO2 at the eruption site and issues daily forecast on SO2 concentration in the atmosphere based on SO2 measurements and weather conditions. This is a link for the spread forecast (in Icelandic language): 2 days spread forecast There are 2 maps that show forecast for current day (green spread area) and for the next day (pink spread area).

eldgos_mengun_dagur-24.9.2014(Spread forecast for September 24, 2014)

eldgos_mengun_dagur-23.9.2014 (Spread forecast for September 23, 2014)

See also this Icelandic Met Office experimentary forecast for spread and concentration which is still under development: Spread & concentration 



The Icelandic Met Office has also  opened a web page were people can report if they have detected gas pollution.
A link to the page (in Icelandic language): Inform about SO2 pollution

Some more useful links are here: